View resume (updated March 2024).
2020 Masters of Design, Integrative Design, University of Michigan
2015 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Pre-Medical Studies, University of Vermont
2010 Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Virginia
Selected Presentations
2020 Speaker on Panel “Intersectional Engagements: Practicing Art and Design with Human and Non-Human Communities”, College Art Association Annual Conference
2020 Speaker, King Talks, “No Time like the Present: Designing-Real Time Support for Novice Teachers”, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan
2019 Invited Speaker on Panel “How to survive the first semester in grad school" facilitated by Associate Dean of Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan
2019 Participant, International Seminar of Design Researchers, School of Exact Sciences, Architecture, and Design, Anhembi Morumbi University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2019 Speaker, “Pathways to Design”, Mechanical and Industrial engineering undergraduate courses, University of Puerto Rico
2018 Speaker, “Improving the Transition of Care for Young Adults with Chronic Conditions”, Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Vermont Children’s Hospital
2012 Speaker, “Lessons from History: The Media and Misconceptions of Sickle Cell Trait” Presentation given at Worldwide Initiative on Social Studies on Hemoglobinopathies; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Collaborator. Social Science, Art, and Humanities Innovations for Health Award, University of Michigan, Engaging Art, Science and Empathy (EASE): An interdisciplinary art and science approach to ameliorating the gendered experience and treatment of chronic pain, $9,500
Collaborator. Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research, Using Art and Design for Translational Medical Research with Pain Researchers and Patients, University of Michigan, $100,000
Collaborator. Mcube: Seed Fund for Multi-unit, Faculty-led teams, University of Michigan, Deepening public engagement with chronic pain research: an interdisciplinary approach combining art, science, and communities, $15,000
Awards and Recognitions
2018 - 2020 Received Rackham Merit Award ($20,000) from University of Michigan for academic achievement and commitment to addressing social disparities
2019 Second Place, out of 31 international teams, Rotman Design Challenge. Toronto, Canada
2019 Named "Graduate Student to Watch” by GDUSA
2019 Acknowledgement for contribution. Naik, R. P. et al., (2018). Clinical Outcomes Associated With Sickle Cell Trait: A Systematic Review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(9), 619.
2013 Contributor. “Unlocking Life’s Code”. Exhibit collaboration between National Human Genome Research Institute and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
2011 Received Award for Best Student Abstract for Poster “What Do Physicians Do With Direct-To-Consumer Genetic Testing Reports?” from the Genomics Forum of American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting
2010 - 2012 Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award, Social and Behavioral Research Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
2006 - 2010 Named an Echols Scholar awarded to 6.5% of incoming students at the University of Virginia
Writings and Press
2019 Beaudry, Jeremy, Alyssa Consigli, Colleen Clark, and Keith J. Robinson. “Getting Ready for Adult Healthcare: Designing a Chatbot to Coach Adolescents with Special Health Needs Through the Transitions of Care.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 49 (November 1, 2019): 85–91.
2019 MDes Studio Presentation. Designing for Equity in Public Education
2019 Colleen Clark and Emanuel Papageorgiou Named GDUSA Students to Watch
2019 Rotman Design Challenge. Ross School of Business Take 2nd Place in 2019 Rotman Design Challenge
2018 My Father: The Best ‘Operative’ I Know
2017 A Happy Accident